Studying is not a task at all.

* Teaching alone is not worth the work*

 I have numerous examples.

 All the children were told that their children will live a good life, get a good job, have a good future, have a big car, have a luxury, will be happy, * except for mud and dust.

 The child did his BA, MA, completed his M.Phil and sometimes even got a job by doing his PhD.

 The straightforward thing, instead of the long bangles, is that there are two levels at the moment of study.  * The one who gets the baby of the poor *.

 * Second to the richest parents that can be averted. *

 If there is too much karma, the education of the poor can give them everything their parents dream of and show them otherwise nothing can be achieved without depression.

 What might you look like doing an MA from any public university?  Whatever the cost and wherever it may be, how much will be the salary?  Will you be able to drive home in it?  Yes, weeping washes like fifty percent of Pakistanis run.

 The rich's child will be studying full English here and will face a world-class university in the United States or the United Kingdom with the final seal.

 Most of them will be employed there, who will land here, their parents, uncles, mamas have already arranged to set them up.

 They will take over the head of the finance, HR head, head of communications department or any set where they sit and listen to presentations of junior fifty, fifty year chapters and move on to whatever they like.  Give up

 It's not just happening to you here, it's the tradition of the world.

 If the education is of the highest level, then the recommendation should be strong as well, no coincidence can get you a dream job, or after twenty, twenty-five years of rubbish, when you do not have the desire to buy money then start earning money.  Go

 Where will those twenty years come from, the best years of the age, and the indigenous degree-makers who have cut the odds?

 Now you have to give examples of CSS performers, an economist, a note print teacher, a half earning writer, fifteen successful TV anchors, two hundred top bankers, all right.  How many people will there be?  Ten thousand out of twenty million?  twenty thousand?  And then how many of them will be taught in Urdu medium and government institutions all their lives and then reach a well-earned seat?  That doesn't happen.

 Employers do not distribute jobs in the dish, and likewise ordinary children who want jobs are not able to go to a good place and get a well-paying job.

 _ * What's the solution? * _

 The first solution is to put the child in mind that the son should start any of his work with education.  Do anything  Sit at a textile shop, work part-time at a motorcycle workshop, don't take money, just learn how to work, experience running a grocery store, have nothing to do with a bear.  If you understand the dynamics of selling fruits or vegetables, understand the science of milking work, learn to fix computer or mobile, learn to work in cars, do anything so you can start your work tomorrow.

 If there are girls, instead of expensive fashion designing, learn to work with women tailors, teach them how to cook at home, design clothes and sell them on the go.

 * Why do it all *?

 By God, the ordinary BA, MA what a child does is never fit to fit a good place in this competitive era.

 It is not his fault, the problem is to set the highest standard of education.

 Course books have not taught me at least until today.  The moon reminds me of my homeland.  Remember the one-class thing by Sarah Khan, Hadi, Shi by Tall, Hadi by Short.  For ten mountains are remembered, the poetry of Ghalib and Mani is remembered, Mr. Chips's novel is remembered, the law is remembered with utterance, Jawahar-e-Azam and Ad-Azam. But can all this knowledge give a job that is worth mentioning?

 In which house do you run?

 Next up are the latest Oxford and Cambridge courses taught, why would anyone ask a boy at a Urdu medium government institution?

 * Give him the gift of a craft before his honor dies. *

 Ask an electrician how much money does Mashalla make in one season and then bring it to mind.

 One answer is that the child will become a good person by reading and writing.

 What happens to a good person?  civilized?  civilized?  Suri!  Course books never make them.

 - Whether it is work from home training or just reading the literature, the servant becomes a little bit different.

 What makes the difference, in fact, is that literature or literature makes a person timid.  Instead of doing anything, he is entangled in his philosophies, not practical.

 Aren't they good people to read?

 And does the good man mean that you are just a slave, or that a person who is capable of earning money?

 Should a good man be financially satisfied, too?

 So my life, BA, MA must make the children but in their mind do your work.

 Do anything  Sell ​​needle threads and buttons or sell butcher meat.

 * No one is bad at work and well-educated kid works well.

 There are a hundred ways to grow your job and no one is more addicted to a job.

 Let's get four bucks, meet needs, be all for nothing, and have a kid with millions to spend on twenty, twenty thousand dollars, where's the justice?

 Where is the biggest atrocity address?

 Have a father's workshop, son says do I do this reading?  Do dirty clothes?  Father practices tobacco, son smells in clothes.  The father is a merchant of the fish market, the mother says the same will come from the son.

 The father is a butcher, there is a shop in the city center, the son does not handle that odor.

 The father is a junkie, does an iron scrap business, the son is drunk wearing a white shirt.

 The father is the nursery, the son looks like a father, the soil looks like a sloppy man.

 Father, this used to run your house, you got married, your family runs AC, the land on which it is located comes from this business, you run away from it?

 Keep on doing jobs all your life will be one of the millions who will earn as much as the father earns now.

 Swear to the servant!

 * Everyone has the right to dream. *

 Teach children, write, but don't break their hands.  Don't retire the baby and your brain.

 Keep telling him from childhood that Peter will learn the task only then he will be at rest or else he will be shocked.

 The worldly education has nothing to do with education. Just learn to read English in Urdu, speak a little, work on the internet, enough is enough.  If needed, he will also learn Chinese for business.

 Now come what you want.  That was the essence of his white hair.  Brother, kind, grateful.  This is a glass.  Two two rupees, two two rupees, two two rupees!

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