Mobile phones are an integral part of our lives.
But I'm sure you have always been skeptical about cell
phones and why mobile communication is different.
Cell Phones Let's explore the technology behind mobile
When you speak on the phone, the sound picks up the
phone microphone. The microphone converts your voice into digital signals using
MEMS and IR sensors. The digital logo contains zero your voice and volume. The
antenna in the phone receives these zeros and sends electromagnetic waves.
Electromagnetic waves are transmitted as zero by
changing wave properties such as amplitude, frequency, phase, or composition.
For example, in the case of zero frequency and another low
and high-frequency choice respectively. So if you found a way to send these
electromagnetic waves to your friend's phone, you can call.
However, electromagnetic waves cannot travel long
distances. They lose their strength due to materials, materials, electrical
components, and certain environmental factors. Indeed, in the absence of such a
problem, electromagnetic waves will not last forever due to the tilted nature
of the Earth.
The antenna is powered by cellular technology to
overcome these problems. In cellular technology, zones are divided into
hexagonal cells, each with its own tower and frequency channel.
Usually, these antennas are connected by one or more
wires, especially with fiber optics.
These fiber optics are installed underground or
underwater to provide a domestic or international connection.
The electromagnetic waves generated by the phone pick
up a tower in your cell and are converted to the frequency of the pulsed light.
These light pulses are then sent to the transmitter for
further signal processing.
After the procedure, the pipes are sent to the target.
When a stimulus is received, the tower emits electromagnetic waves and then
sends a signal to your friend's phone.
This signal goes through a reverse process. Your
friends hear your voice. Therefore, it is true that mobile communication is not
completely wireless and it uses a wired environment. Mobile communication works
like this.
there was a major problem that I didn't mean to answer.
Mobile communication will only work if your tower sends
a signal to your friend's tower. How does your tower know which tower your
friend is in? For this process, a cell phone is called a mobile phone exchange
MSC is the focal point of the antenna group.
Before continuing
Let me explain more about MSC when you buy a SIM card,
All subscription information will be saved in MSC. Only
this MSc will be your home MSc.The main MSC will store information such as your
service plan, current location, and status. If your home is outside the scope of
the new MSC available to you, it is referred to as the International MSC. When
you enter the area, the International MSc communicates with the MSC at your
In short, the MSC home will usually know which MSC you
are in.
To find out the mobile location of the subscriber
located in the MSE area.
MSC uses a number of methods, one of which is to update
a member's status after a specified period of time. When the phone has exceeded
the specified number of towers, the location update will be repeated.
Finally, when the phone
is available, we try to understand all these actions through examples.
Suppose we call Emma
John. When Emma dialed John's number, she asked Emma to take him an MSC home.
When they receive John's
number, the letter will be sent to John's degree. John's MSC is currently
reviewing the MSC. If John is at home at MSC, the phone request is immediately
sent to his current location, and then John checks to see if another phone is
blocked or if his phone is turned off. When all is well, John's phone will ring
and the line will be connected.
However, if John did not
participate in the master's program, John submitted the application to seek an
MSc. MSc from another country.
The International Help Service found John's
phone number and fixed the start of the search.
Let us understand why
this type of game is important for mobile communication.
In digital communications, each participant
is often assigned to translate passwords at no cost.
However, the level of
mobile communications is small, with billions of users.
This problem is solved
two ways, the high way and two way are many opportunities. In the first method,
different methods are carefully guarded again and again between the ‘different’
towers. With multi-way space technology, this time is well distributed among
all workers in the cell.
Here’s the key question:
Why are different types of phones different?
First, allow 1G users to
use their wireless cables for the first time.
However, 1G faces two
simulation problems. The first problem is the comparison of air circulation. A
display image can be replaced by another option. Therefore, it provides low
noise and low protection.
The second problem is
the use of unwanted network distributions.
Now the foundation for
the second generation.
It uses a wide range of
digital signage technologies, such as 2G, TDMA, or secondary CDMA in mobile
The Internet also
started with data checking.
3G technology focuses on
providing high-quality data.
In addition to increasing bandwidth, a number
of methods are used to achieve WCD. To achieve this goal, dual 3G Mbps speeds
allow data transfer for applications such as GPS, video, voice calls, and more.
3G is an important activity of converting phone numbers to smartphones.
4G following and speeds
from 20 to 100 Mbps.
Ideal for watching
high-definition movies on television. This tremendous speed has been achieved
through a wide range of OFD entry technology.
In MIMO technology. MIMO
uses a wide range of antennas to transmit to mobile phones and poles.
The next generation of
5G mobile networks, which will be launched soon, will use advanced Mimo
technology in millimeter waves. It provides the right connection to support the
Internet, such as free cars and luxury homes.
You need to know how the
curtain works.
Check out the following post
Thank you.